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China to Highlight Green, Low

2024-06-03 18:13:09 source:Earth Echo news portalViews:775次
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China to Highlight Green, Low-Carbon Development Philosophy in School Education

 May 9, 2022

BEIJING, May 7 (Xinhua) — China is looking to highlight the green and low-carbon development philosophy in school education to increase public awareness in this regard.

According to a work plan released by the country's Ministry of Education, educational institutions are to integrate the development philosophy in their curricula and hold relevant educational activities extensively.

The work plan also emphasized the need to establish and develop college majors related to low-carbon and green development, such as energy storage and hydrogen energy.

It called for more efforts in cultivating professionals in such fields including wind power, photovoltaic technologies, hydropower and nuclear energy.


(Source: Xinhua)


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